Acceptable Use Policy

Version No 1. Last updated March 18, 2024.

This Comet Tech Inc. Acceptable use policy (the “Use Policy“) sets out the rules applied to the use of services and systems as indicated in the Comet Tech Inc. Terms and Conditions.

1. General provisions and definitions

1.1. Comet Tech Inc. is a legal entity, incorporated in the Republic of Panama, registration number 155734567, address Advanced Tower Building, First floor, Ricardo Arias Street, Panama City, Republic of Panama (the “Company”/ “Us” / “We").

1.2. Any person using the Company’s services/systems is considered to be a client of the Company (the “Client” / “You”).

1.3. The Company and the Client are legally bound by the Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement”) which governs the contractual relationship between the Company as a service provider and the Client, as any natural or legal person, as a service user, or a user of system prior to/without logging-in/creating an Account (Clause 2 of the Agreement).

1.3.1. The Company provides multiple IP address proxy infrastructure solutions, including IP addresses for the Clients to connect to the internet, and access to the Company’s data gathering and proxy management solutions (the “Services”). The Services can be reached and used via the website (the “System”).

1.3.2. The latest version of the Agreement shall be available at

1.4. This Use Policy shall be applicable and interpreted in line with the Agreement. The definitions set out in the Agreement shall be applicable to this Use Policy.

1.5. Communication with the Company can be facilitated through various means within the System, including a popup chat box and by sending an email to [email protected].

1.6. The Company shall have the right to unilaterally modify and/or update the Use Policy at any time without notice. The continuous use of the Services/System by the Client shall be deemed as acceptance of Use Policy in the last and most updated version. Any Client shall periodically check and assess the Use Policy.

1.7. The latest version of the Use Policy shall be available at

1.8. By agreeing to the Agreement as per the rules set forth in the Agreement, You are automatically agreeing to the Use Policy.

1.8. If you disagree to be bound by the Use Policy in any scope or way, You must not use or must immediately cease Your use of the Services, System, or any part of it, as well as its features and functionalities.

2. Prohibited activities and content

2.1. This Use Policy sets forth a non-exhaustive list of activities and content strictly prohibited on or through the System and Services.

2.2. The prohibited activities and content are defined as any act/content that offends against, is objectionable to, or is contrary to the public interest, public morality, public order, public and national security, or is otherwise prohibited by any applicable law, regulation, procedure, order or requirement.

2.3. By using the System and Services, you agree to refrain from, and not assist, encourage, or enable others to engage in, the following "Prohibited Activities":

2.3.1. Distribute cracks, warez, ROMs, virus, adware, worms, trojan horses, malware, spyware, or any other similar malicious software and products or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, hijack, limit, destroy, or negatively affect the functionality of any computer software, hardware, network or telecommunications equipment.

2.3.2. Cause any network resource to be unavailable to its intended users, including, without limitation, via “denial-of-Service (DoS)” or “distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)” attacks.

2.3.3. Cause any damage or service disruption to any third-party computers or service.

2.3.4. The prohibition to use viruses and malicious programs always includes prohibition to (but not limited): Promote or support or contribute to establishing, publishing, distribution and development of malicious programs and viruses, hacking and piracy programs and the sites that provoke, promote, or publish information about how to hack networks, information technology devices or communications or having access to the same without right or to disrupt them in addition to the sites that provide supporting services for the above. Support or provoke attacking information technology or communications networks for the purpose of disrupting the same.

2.3.5. Engage in or encourage any unlawful activity. Including but not limited to: Provoking, calling for, promoting or providing information about how to carry out acts of crime or felony or contributing to or facilitate carrying out or supporting the same such as theft, fraud, robbery, forgery, faking, bribery, killing, suicide, blackmail, threat, rape, commercial cheating and breaching the properties of others, abduction, evasion from application of law, money laundry, smuggling prohibited content and other crimes punishable by the law. Supporting or engaging in terrorism in any way, including but not limited to, by: Creating, publishing, sharing, supporting any content relating to terrorist groups or any illegal group, association, organization or body or any content that facilitates communication with their leaders or members or to attract members or promote and favor their ideas or assist in financing their activities or contribute to assisting them actually or any content that publishes methods of making fire or explosive devices or any other tools used in terrorist acts. Inciting, encouraging or enabling the commission of a crime against any country or one of its citizens or employees or its interests or public funds or public facilities abroad, including embassies, consulates, missions, or affiliate offices. Practices of deception, fraud, theft and embezzlement. Illegally compiling, publishing or allowing others to have access to bank statements or accounts, data, credit or electronic card numbers or any electronic payment method and also compiling, publishing or allowing others to have access to names, secret numbers or access codes to websites or information technology means such as email and others. Impersonating or claiming status of others for fraudulent purposes. Promoting witchcraft or other similar practices, especially such that might result in violations of human rights, including causing any physical harm., slandering or defamation.

2.3.6. Distribute any unlawful and illicit content. For the avoidance of doubt, it is noted that illicit content might not be forbidden by law but is considered to be improper or socially forbidden as they go against social norms and values and can be assessed differently in different contexts. Such cases might be (including but not limited to): Pornography and nudity content. Internet content that promotes or facilitates publishing or exchanging child pornography. content that motivates, supports, promotes, or publishes opinions that include aggression to public manners or involves corrupting youth or calling for embracing or promoting destructive principles. Internet content that motivates and supports or promotes practice of vice, adultery, prostitution or illegal and unethical relations and the internet content related to human trafficking crimes or those including prostitution advertisements. Internet content that promotes or is used for the purpose of trading immoral or forbidden by law goods or services, including, but not limited to: Counterfeit money. Hazardous waste. Endangered species of animals, birds and plants or their members according to international treaties. Counterfeit and fake goods. Firearms, ammunition and explosives. llegal drugs. It is strictly prohibited to promote or contribute to trading with drugs and mind affecting substances and the manner of using or manufacturing the same or obtaining drugs or facilitating their circulation in circumstances that are not legally authorized. concept of unlawful and illicit content may differ depending on the location that You are using the System/Services from. At all times You are solely responsible for making sure that Your use of the System/Services is in compliance with applicable law, rules and moral requirements. In all cases any abuse towards minors, any type of hate speech, threat of harm to health or life, manifestations of extremism, spread of disinformation and fake news, especially in socially sensitive topics as health, safety, human rights, etc., as well as incitement to do similar acts are considered as a breach of this prohibition.

2.3.7. Engage in or encourage discrimination, racism, and contempt of religion. Such actions may be (including but not limited to): Promoting, offending, defaming, insulting, ridiculing, or violating any of the religions or any of its rites, sanctities or divine books, or interfering with freedom to practice one’s religion by violence or threat. Promoting or favoring what would raise sedition, hatred or racism or sectarianism or harming national unity or social peace or disturb the public order or public morals. Promoting or creating any form of discrimination and provoking hate speech with intent to incite hatred between individuals and groups.

2.3.8. Violate third-party’s intellectual property rights. Any use of the System/Services for downloading or distributing pirated material, as well as any other form of intellectual property rights breach is considered as a breach of this prohibition. Such cases might be (including but not limited to): Providing and publishing movies, photos, drawings, books, electronic programs and games, encrypted TV and radio channels and other intellectual property rights in electronic form without legal right to do so. Providing information, tools and methods aiming to infringing intellectual property rights and penetrating the protection means used for protecting such rights as decoding movies and coded TV channels and operation of copied magnetic diskettes and copied electronic programs and games and deactivation of protection systems designed exclusively for combating piracy.

2.3.9. Commit, engage or encourage any type of fraud, including but not limited to click fraud and generating fake traffic. An act of illegally clicking on pay-per-click ads or any other links by human, bots or software force to increase site revenue or to exhaust site‘s advertising budget, as well as to achieve any other goal such as to falsely increase a site’s audience in any site that is owned by You or any other person is considered as a breach of this prohibition.

2.3.10. Create dishonest social engagement such as creating and operating fake profiles in social media, creating fake reviews, leaving fake likes or generating shares / comments, conducting romance and other similar scams.

2.3.11. Conduct of privacy invasion, including but not limited to: Using tools for phone tapping, espionage, theft or publication of private information or tracking, recording or intercepting communications or conversation without right. Exposing news, photos or comments related to the private or family life even if it is true if publishing the same shall harm the concerned person in publication. In addition, this includes disclosure of a secret that may harm a person’s reputation, wealth or trade name or the publication of something intended to threaten or force them to pay money or provide benefit to others or be deprived of freedom to work. Exposing medical examinations, medical diagnosis, medical treatment or care or medical records of other persons. Internet content that allows access to private information illegally including those related to addresses and phone numbers of individuals or which allows disturbing others such as spam messages.

2.3.12. Enhance or operate a service or an entity that competes with the Services or assist any other party to do so.

2.3.13. Resell or in any other way commercially exploit any or/and all of the Services, as well as any or/and all intellectual property rights of the Company (inluding but limited to: sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute, or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Services/System).

2.4. The list indicated in Clause 2.3 of the Use Policy is non-finite.

2.5. As the Company is incorporated and based in the Republic of Panama, any use of the System/Services shall be in accordance with the applicable local the Republic of Panama law, regulations, procedures and requirements. The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Client is solely responsible for making sure its activities are in accordance with such regulations. The Client shall always check the up-to-date legal information applicable to the usage of System/Services. The Company encourages the Client to seek professional legal advice in case of any doubt regarding the legality of its planned actions.

2.5.1. The Client acknowledges that the National Public Services Authority (Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos (ASEP)) is one of the main regulatory bodies overseeing the telecommunications sector in the Republic of Panama.

2.6. The Company urges responsible behavior, aligning Your actions with all applicable laws and regulations. Remember, as a Client, you hold full responsibility for your System/Services usage and any potential consequences.

3. Blocked websites and disclosure of vulnerabilities

3.1. Access to website and web pages that contain prohibited content can be blocked by the internet service providers in your location. Furthermore, to ensure Your and public‘s interests, the Company is constantly trying to make its System/Services more safe.

3.2. The Company shall have a right to block access to any website while using the System/Services at its sole discretion.

3.3. The Company is currently blocking several websites for all new Clients that are using Ulta Residential Proxies Service. The full and up-to-date list of blocked websites is available at List of blocked websites. Some of the blocked websites might be accessible until the Client completes a certain action, for example, completes ID verification on such a website.

3.4. The Company is currently blocking several websites for all Clients that are using Datacenter Proxies and Static Residential Proxies Services. The full and up-to-date list of blocked websites is available at List of blocked websites. The indicated list is constructed due to security measures and includes .gov and bank websites, IMAP (ports 110, 993, 995, 143), and mail ports.

3.4.1. The Clients can access blocked .gov, bank sites, and IMAP websites by conducting ID verification.

3.4.2. In case the validity of the port was successfully checked, and it was acknowledged as not being spam, the Clients can access Mail ports by conducting ID verification.

3.5. The Company retains sole discretion to implement or remove any website/content blocking at any time. You should always check the available and up-to-date information regarding the website / content blocking before using System/Services.

3.6. The Company actively welcomes Your participation in improving our platform. Please report any violations of the Use Policy, suggest websites or data for blocking, and share any security or technical concerns you encounter. Remember, sharing information is entirely voluntary and doesn't come with any financial rewards, but your contribution helps us create a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone.

4. Liability

4.1. The Clients are expected to exercise reasonable personal judgement when deciding which information, website or action is considered to be prohibited.

4.2. In addition to the liability clauses set forth in the Agreement, the Client agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all third-party claims, demands, and liabilities, including reasonable attorney’s fees, resulting from or arising out of Client’s failure to comply with Client’s obligations under any and all laws, rules or regulations applicable to Client under the Agreement and Use Policy, as well as for any breach or violation of the rules of the Use Policy.

4.3. Any violations of the Agreement and (or) Use Policy may lead to the immediate termination of the Agreement by the Company and (or) other outcome and liability as indicated in the Agreement. Upon termination, the Client shall forfeit all rights to access and utilize the Services/System. A violation may result in the Client's obligation to compensate any and all damages.

5. Miscellaneous

5.1. The English language version of this Use Policy is the prevailing version to any other possible version.

5.2. Any update of this Use Policy comes in force at the moment it is published at the System as indicated in Clause 1. By using the Services, You agree to be bound by any updated version of the Use Policy.

5.3. You are encouraged to contact us by the means indicated in the Agreement. Sending an email to [email protected] shall be considered to be the primary means of communication.

5.4. The Company shall reply to Your inquiries within 30 days (with the possibility of two 30-day extensions).